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Wesnoth Life League #3

Version: 1.12

Start date: 2018-02-01

End date: 2018-06-05

Played games: 102

1. Maboul

2. ElderofZIon1

3. igorbat99

Tournament standings


Games list


21:07 05.06.2018: igorbat99 beats mechANIC (Round 10 / Clearing Gushes)

16:12 27.05.2018: Maboul beats General (Round 6 / Ruined Passage)

21:36 19.05.2018: Maboul beats Xrom (Round 10 / Clearing Gushes)

18:03 29.04.2018: General beats Lord_Nyree (Round 12 / Astral Port)

22:19 12.04.2018: General beats Kral (Round 9 / Tombs of Kesorak)

23:34 10.04.2018: mechANIC beats Lord_Nyree (Round 6 / Ruined Passage)

22:54 09.04.2018: Solymos-HUN beats WIN_WARRIOR (Round 13 / Hellhole)

22:15 09.04.2018: Darkkey beats General (Round 17 / Sablestone Delta)

18:43 07.04.2018: Danniel_BR beats Rears (Round 1 / Cold War)

18:07 07.04.2018: General beats GG (Round 3 / Caves of the Basilisk)

22:24 06.04.2018: igorbat99 beats KoL-yaN (Round 11 / Ashy Island)

20:10 01.04.2018: Danniel_BR beats WIN_WARRIOR (Round 6 / Ruined Passage)

21:40 26.03.2018: Rears beats Scaramush (Round 7 / Cave Rivers)

21:54 25.03.2018: ElderofZIon1 beats Xrom (Round 1 / Cold War)

23:41 24.03.2018: Darkkey beats Lord_Nyree (Round 5 / Howling Ghost Badlands)

21:50 24.03.2018: Danniel_BR beats General (Round 7 / Cave Rivers)

21:28 24.03.2018: Rears beats Lord_Nyree (Round 9 / Tombs of Kesorak)

22:10 22.03.2018: Danniel_BR beats Lord_Nyree (Round 17 / Sablestone Delta)

21:15 22.03.2018: ElderofZIon1 beats Kral (Round 16 / The Freelands)

20:19 22.03.2018: Kral beats WIN_WARRIOR (Round 17 / Sablestone Delta)

23:24 19.03.2018: mechANIC beats Rears (Round 15 / Sulla's Ruins)

21:45 18.03.2018: mechANIC beats WIN_WARRIOR (Round 9 / Tombs of Kesorak)

18:40 18.03.2018: ElderofZIon1 beats Rears (Round 11 / Ashy Island)

17:58 18.03.2018: mechANIC beats GG (Round 14 / Elensefar Courtyard)

22:16 17.03.2018: Darkkey beats WIN_WARRIOR (Round 8 / Silverhead Crossing)

16:40 11.03.2018: WIN_WARRIOR beats GG (Round 11 / Ashy Island)

22:47 10.03.2018: General beats r_asian (Round 13 / Hellhole)

20:46 10.03.2018: Rears beats GG (Round 17 / Sablestone Delta)

21:32 08.03.2018: Lord_Nyree beats r_asian (Round 1 / Cold War)

19:41 08.03.2018: Rears beats WIN_WARRIOR (Round 12 / Astral Port)

22:30 06.03.2018: WIN_WARRIOR beats r_asian (Round 4 / Weldyn Channel)

21:07 05.03.2018: General beats KoL-yaN (Round 2 / Swamp Of Dread)

22:48 04.03.2018: r_asian beats DIMA2332 (Round 14 / Elensefar Courtyard)

22:00 04.03.2018: ElderofZIon1 beats r_asian (Round 3 / Caves of the Basilisk)

21:39 04.03.2018: General beats WIN_WARRIOR (Round 15 / Sulla's Ruins)

21:24 04.03.2018: ElderofZIon1 beats GG (Round 10 / Clearing Gushes)

19:37 04.03.2018: DIMA2332 beats KoL-yaN (Round 3 / Caves of the Basilisk)

12:10 04.03.2018: KoL-yaN beats mechANIC (Round 13 / Hellhole)

22:35 03.03.2018: KoL-yaN beats Darkkey (Round 12 / Astral Port)

21:27 02.03.2018: KoL-yaN beats WIN_WARRIOR (Round 10 / Clearing Gushes)

20:12 01.03.2018: Xrom beats DIMA2332 (Round 12 / Astral Port)

03:13 01.03.2018: Maboul beats Danniel_BR (Round 5 / Howling Ghost Badlands)

23:41 28.02.2018: Lord_Nyree beats WIN_WARRIOR (Round 3 / Caves of the Basilisk)

22:59 28.02.2018: DIMA2332 beats Solymos-HUN (Round 6 / Ruined Passage)

21:31 28.02.2018: Xrom beats Lord_Nyree (Round 16 / The Freelands)

21:33 25.02.2018: Darkkey beats Rears (Round 14 / Elensefar Courtyard)

18:36 25.02.2018: ElderofZIon1 beats mechANIC (Round 8 / Silverhead Crossing)

17:40 25.02.2018: Maboul beats r_asian (Round 12 / Astral Port)

15:47 24.02.2018: ElderofZIon1 beats WIN_WARRIOR (Round 5 / Howling Ghost Badlands)

12:31 24.02.2018: mechANIC beats Kral (Round 3 / Caves of the Basilisk)

01:08 24.02.2018: Maboul beats WIN_WARRIOR (Round 14 / Elensefar Courtyard)

02:45 22.02.2018: Maboul beats igorbat99 (Round 15 / Sulla's Ruins)

22:27 19.02.2018: igorbat99 beats Lord_Nyree (Round 4 / Weldyn Channel)

23:17 18.02.2018: Scaramush beats DIMA2332 (Round 11 / Ashy Island)

21:41 17.02.2018: GG beats Xrom (Round 7 / Cave Rivers)

17:34 17.02.2018: Maboul beats Rears (Round 3 / Caves of the Basilisk)

16:53 17.02.2018: mechANIC beats Darkkey (Round 11 / Ashy Island)

02:30 17.02.2018: Maboul beats DIMA2332 (Round 7 / Cave Rivers)

19:29 15.02.2018: DIMA2332 beats Rears (Round 5 / Howling Ghost Badlands)

01:09 15.02.2018: Maboul beats Lord_Nyree (Round 11 / Ashy Island)

00:22 15.02.2018: mechANIC beats DIMA2332 (Round 2 / Swamp Of Dread)

23:50 14.02.2018: igorbat99 beats Danniel_BR (Round 8 / Silverhead Crossing)

23:19 14.02.2018: DIMA2332 beats Darkkey (Round 1 / Cold War)

19:36 14.02.2018: Solymos-HUN beats Rears (Round 2 / Swamp Of Dread)

23:24 11.02.2018: Danniel_BR beats Solymos-HUN (Round 3 / Caves of the Basilisk)

16:43 11.02.2018: Xrom beats General (Round 11 / Ashy Island)

13:29 11.02.2018: mechANIC beats Xrom (Round 5 / Howling Ghost Badlands)

00:35 11.02.2018: Maboul beats mechANIC (Round 17 / Sablestone Delta)

23:14 09.02.2018: igorbat99 beats General (Round 16 / The Freelands)

22:43 09.02.2018: igorbat99 beats r_asian (Round 5 / Howling Ghost Badlands)

20:53 09.02.2018: igorbat99 beats Rears (Round 13 / Hellhole)

20:32 09.02.2018: Xrom beats WIN_WARRIOR (Round 2 / Swamp Of Dread)

18:45 09.02.2018: ElderofZIon1 beats DIMA2332 (Round 15 / Sulla's Ruins)

18:03 09.02.2018: DIMA2332 beats WIN_WARRIOR (Round 16 / The Freelands)

14:25 09.02.2018: igorbat99 beats DIMA2332 (Round 17 / Sablestone Delta)

00:07 09.02.2018: igorbat99 beats ElderofZIon1 (Round 6 / Ruined Passage)

23:43 07.02.2018: Xrom beats r_asian (Round 17 / Sablestone Delta)

16:46 07.02.2018: ElderofZIon1 beats Lord_Nyree (Round 2 / Swamp Of Dread)

14:10 07.02.2018: GG beats DIMA2332 (Round 4 / Weldyn Channel)

00:28 07.02.2018: Maboul beats Solymos-HUN (Round 4 / Weldyn Channel)

23:09 06.02.2018: igorbat99 beats Xrom (Round 3 / Caves of the Basilisk)

23:03 06.02.2018: ElderofZIon1 beats General (Round 14 / Elensefar Courtyard)

22:51 05.02.2018: Solymos-HUN beats General (Round 5 / Howling Ghost Badlands)

02:26 05.02.2018: ElderofZIon1 beats Danniel_BR (Round 4 / Weldyn Channel)

23:06 04.02.2018: Solymos-HUN beats Darkkey (Round 15 / Sulla's Ruins)

22:10 04.02.2018: Xrom beats Rears (Round 8 / Silverhead Crossing)

17:20 04.02.2018: Maboul beats Darkkey (Round 16 / The Freelands)

15:57 04.02.2018: Xrom beats Darkkey (Round 4 / Weldyn Channel)

23:01 03.02.2018: igorbat99 beats WIN_WARRIOR (Round 7 / Cave Rivers)

22:49 03.02.2018: Solymos-HUN beats GG (Round 1 / Cold War)

21:33 03.02.2018: Scaramush beats WIN_WARRIOR (Round 1 / Cold War)

21:13 03.02.2018: igorbat99 beats GG (Round 12 / Astral Port)

20:57 03.02.2018: Solymos-HUN beats igorbat99 (Round 14 / Elensefar Courtyard)

20:39 03.02.2018: KoL-yaN beats r_asian (Round 8 / Silverhead Crossing)

20:36 03.02.2018: Scaramush beats Xrom (Round 14 / Elensefar Courtyard)

20:21 03.02.2018: Darkkey beats GG (Round 13 / Hellhole)

18:53 03.02.2018: ElderofZIon1 beats Darkkey (Round 7 / Cave Rivers)

18:13 03.02.2018: General beats Rears (Round 4 / Weldyn Channel)

15:09 03.02.2018: igorbat99 beats Darkkey (Round 9 / Tombs of Kesorak)

13:40 03.02.2018: mechANIC beats General (Round 1 / Cold War)

22:05 02.02.2018: igorbat99 beats Kral (Round 1 / Cold War)

23:08 01.02.2018: Kral beats Darkkey (Round 2 / Swamp Of Dread)

Round 1

Danniel_BR vs Rears - 1:0 / Cold War

Lord_Nyree vs r_asian - 1:0 / Cold War

GG vs Solymos-HUN - 0:1 / Cold War

Xrom vs ElderofZIon1 - 0:1 / Cold War

KoL-yaN vs Maboul - 0:1 (techwin) / Cold War

Scaramush vs WIN_WARRIOR - 1:0 / Cold War

mechANIC vs General - 1:0 / Cold War

Kral vs igorbat99 - 0:1 / Cold War

Darkkey vs DIMA2332 - 0:1 / Cold War

Round 2

Danniel_BR vs r_asian - 0:1 (techwin) / Swamp Of Dread

Rears vs Solymos-HUN - 0:1 / Swamp Of Dread

Lord_Nyree vs ElderofZIon1 - 0:1 / Swamp Of Dread

GG vs Maboul - 0:1 (techwin) / Swamp Of Dread

Xrom vs WIN_WARRIOR - 1:0 / Swamp Of Dread

KoL-yaN vs General - 0:1 / Swamp Of Dread

Scaramush vs igorbat99 - 0:1 (techwin) / Swamp Of Dread

mechANIC vs DIMA2332 - 1:0 / Swamp Of Dread

Kral vs Darkkey - 1:0 / Swamp Of Dread

Round 3

Danniel_BR vs Solymos-HUN - 1:0 / Caves of the Basilisk

r_asian vs ElderofZIon1 - 0:1 / Caves of the Basilisk

Rears vs Maboul - 0:1 / Caves of the Basilisk

Lord_Nyree vs WIN_WARRIOR - 1:0 / Caves of the Basilisk

GG vs General - 0:1 / Caves of the Basilisk

Xrom vs igorbat99 - 0:1 / Caves of the Basilisk

KoL-yaN vs DIMA2332 - 0:1 / Caves of the Basilisk

Scaramush vs Darkkey - 0:1 (techwin) / Caves of the Basilisk

mechANIC vs Kral - 1:0 / Caves of the Basilisk

Round 4

Danniel_BR vs ElderofZIon1 - 0:1 / Weldyn Channel

Solymos-HUN vs Maboul - 0:1 / Weldyn Channel

r_asian vs WIN_WARRIOR - 0:1 / Weldyn Channel

Rears vs General - 0:1 / Weldyn Channel

Lord_Nyree vs igorbat99 - 0:1 / Weldyn Channel

GG vs DIMA2332 - 1:0 / Weldyn Channel

Xrom vs Darkkey - 1:0 / Weldyn Channel

KoL-yaN vs Kral - 1:0 (techwin) / Weldyn Channel

Scaramush vs mechANIC - 0:1 (techwin) / Weldyn Channel

Round 5

Danniel_BR vs Maboul - 0:1 / Howling Ghost Badlands

ElderofZIon1 vs WIN_WARRIOR - 1:0 / Howling Ghost Badlands

Solymos-HUN vs General - 1:0 / Howling Ghost Badlands

r_asian vs igorbat99 - 0:1 / Howling Ghost Badlands

Rears vs DIMA2332 - 0:1 / Howling Ghost Badlands

Lord_Nyree vs Darkkey - 0:1 / Howling Ghost Badlands

GG vs Kral - 1:0 (techwin) / Howling Ghost Badlands

Xrom vs mechANIC - 0:1 / Howling Ghost Badlands

KoL-yaN vs Scaramush - 1:0 (techwin) / Howling Ghost Badlands

Round 6

Danniel_BR vs WIN_WARRIOR - 1:0 / Ruined Passage

Maboul vs General - 1:0 / Ruined Passage

ElderofZIon1 vs igorbat99 - 0:1 / Ruined Passage

Solymos-HUN vs DIMA2332 - 0:1 / Ruined Passage

r_asian vs Darkkey - 0:1 (techwin) / Ruined Passage

Rears vs Kral - 1:0 (techwin) / Ruined Passage

Lord_Nyree vs mechANIC - 0:1 / Ruined Passage

GG vs Scaramush - 1:0 (techwin) / Ruined Passage

Xrom vs KoL-yaN - 1:0 (techwin) / Ruined Passage

Round 7

Danniel_BR vs General - 1:0 / Cave Rivers

WIN_WARRIOR vs igorbat99 - 0:1 / Cave Rivers

Maboul vs DIMA2332 - 1:0 / Cave Rivers

ElderofZIon1 vs Darkkey - 1:0 / Cave Rivers

Solymos-HUN vs Kral - 1:0 (techwin) / Cave Rivers

r_asian vs mechANIC - 0:1 (techwin) / Cave Rivers

Rears vs Scaramush - 1:0 / Cave Rivers

Lord_Nyree vs KoL-yaN - 1:0 (techwin) / Cave Rivers

GG vs Xrom - 1:0 / Cave Rivers

Round 8

Danniel_BR vs igorbat99 - 0:1 / Silverhead Crossing

General vs DIMA2332 - 1:0 (techwin) / Silverhead Crossing

WIN_WARRIOR vs Darkkey - 0:1 / Silverhead Crossing

Maboul vs Kral - 1:0 (techwin) / Silverhead Crossing

ElderofZIon1 vs mechANIC - 1:0 / Silverhead Crossing

Solymos-HUN vs Scaramush - 1:0 (techwin) / Silverhead Crossing

r_asian vs KoL-yaN - 0:1 / Silverhead Crossing

Rears vs Xrom - 0:1 / Silverhead Crossing

Lord_Nyree vs GG - 1:0 (techwin) / Silverhead Crossing

Round 9

Danniel_BR vs DIMA2332 - 0:1 (techwin) / Tombs of Kesorak

igorbat99 vs Darkkey - 1:0 / Tombs of Kesorak

General vs Kral - 1:0 / Tombs of Kesorak

WIN_WARRIOR vs mechANIC - 0:1 / Tombs of Kesorak

Maboul vs Scaramush - 1:0 (techwin) / Tombs of Kesorak

ElderofZIon1 vs KoL-yaN - 1:0 (techwin) / Tombs of Kesorak

Solymos-HUN vs Xrom - 0:1 (techwin) / Tombs of Kesorak

r_asian vs GG - 0:1 (techwin) / Tombs of Kesorak

Rears vs Lord_Nyree - 1:0 / Tombs of Kesorak

Round 10

Danniel_BR vs Darkkey - 0:1 (techwin) / Clearing Gushes

DIMA2332 vs Kral - 1:0 (techwin) / Clearing Gushes

igorbat99 vs mechANIC - 1:0 / Clearing Gushes

General vs Scaramush - 1:0 (techwin) / Clearing Gushes

WIN_WARRIOR vs KoL-yaN - 0:1 / Clearing Gushes

Maboul vs Xrom - 1:0 / Clearing Gushes

ElderofZIon1 vs GG - 1:0 / Clearing Gushes

Solymos-HUN vs Lord_Nyree - 0:1 (techwin) / Clearing Gushes

r_asian vs Rears - 0:1 (techwin) / Clearing Gushes

Round 11

Danniel_BR vs Kral - 1:0 (techwin) / Ashy Island

Darkkey vs mechANIC - 0:1 / Ashy Island

DIMA2332 vs Scaramush - 0:1 / Ashy Island

igorbat99 vs KoL-yaN - 1:0 / Ashy Island

General vs Xrom - 0:1 / Ashy Island

WIN_WARRIOR vs GG - 1:0 / Ashy Island

Maboul vs Lord_Nyree - 1:0 / Ashy Island

ElderofZIon1 vs Rears - 1:0 / Ashy Island

Solymos-HUN vs r_asian - 1:0 (techwin) / Ashy Island

Round 12

Danniel_BR vs mechANIC - 0:1 (techwin) / Astral Port

Kral vs Scaramush - 1:0 (techwin) / Astral Port

Darkkey vs KoL-yaN - 0:1 / Astral Port

DIMA2332 vs Xrom - 0:1 / Astral Port

igorbat99 vs GG - 1:0 / Astral Port

General vs Lord_Nyree - 1:0 / Astral Port

WIN_WARRIOR vs Rears - 0:1 / Astral Port

Maboul vs r_asian - 1:0 / Astral Port

ElderofZIon1 vs Solymos-HUN - 1:0 (techwin) / Astral Port

Round 13

Danniel_BR vs Scaramush - 1:0 (techwin) / Hellhole

mechANIC vs KoL-yaN - 0:1 / Hellhole

Kral vs Xrom - 0:1 (techwin) / Hellhole

Darkkey vs GG - 1:0 / Hellhole

DIMA2332 vs Lord_Nyree - 0:1 (techwin) / Hellhole

igorbat99 vs Rears - 1:0 / Hellhole

General vs r_asian - 1:0 / Hellhole

WIN_WARRIOR vs Solymos-HUN - 0:1 / Hellhole

Maboul vs ElderofZIon1 - 0:1 (techwin) / Hellhole

Round 14

Danniel_BR vs KoL-yaN - 0:1 (techwin) / Elensefar Courtyard

Scaramush vs Xrom - 1:0 / Elensefar Courtyard

mechANIC vs GG - 1:0 / Elensefar Courtyard

Kral vs Lord_Nyree - 0:1 (techwin) / Elensefar Courtyard

Darkkey vs Rears - 1:0 / Elensefar Courtyard

DIMA2332 vs r_asian - 0:1 / Elensefar Courtyard

igorbat99 vs Solymos-HUN - 0:1 / Elensefar Courtyard

General vs ElderofZIon1 - 0:1 / Elensefar Courtyard

WIN_WARRIOR vs Maboul - 0:1 / Elensefar Courtyard

Round 15

Danniel_BR vs Xrom - 0:1 (techwin) / Sulla's Ruins

KoL-yaN vs GG - 0:1 (techwin) / Sulla's Ruins

Scaramush vs Lord_Nyree - 0:1 (techwin) / Sulla's Ruins

mechANIC vs Rears - 1:0 / Sulla's Ruins

Kral vs r_asian - 0:1 (techwin) / Sulla's Ruins

Darkkey vs Solymos-HUN - 0:1 / Sulla's Ruins

DIMA2332 vs ElderofZIon1 - 0:1 / Sulla's Ruins

igorbat99 vs Maboul - 0:1 / Sulla's Ruins

General vs WIN_WARRIOR - 1:0 / Sulla's Ruins

Round 16

Danniel_BR vs GG - 0:1 (techwin) / The Freelands

Xrom vs Lord_Nyree - 1:0 / The Freelands

KoL-yaN vs Rears - 0:1 (techwin) / The Freelands

Scaramush vs r_asian - 0:1 (techwin) / The Freelands

mechANIC vs Solymos-HUN - 1:0 (techwin) / The Freelands

Kral vs ElderofZIon1 - 0:1 / The Freelands

Darkkey vs Maboul - 0:1 / The Freelands

DIMA2332 vs WIN_WARRIOR - 1:0 / The Freelands

igorbat99 vs General - 1:0 / The Freelands

Round 17

Danniel_BR vs Lord_Nyree - 1:0 / Sablestone Delta

GG vs Rears - 0:1 / Sablestone Delta

Xrom vs r_asian - 1:0 / Sablestone Delta

KoL-yaN vs Solymos-HUN - 0:1 (techwin) / Sablestone Delta

Scaramush vs ElderofZIon1 - 0:1 (techwin) / Sablestone Delta

mechANIC vs Maboul - 0:1 / Sablestone Delta

Kral vs WIN_WARRIOR - 1:0 / Sablestone Delta

Darkkey vs General - 1:0 / Sablestone Delta

DIMA2332 vs igorbat99 - 0:1 / Sablestone Delta

Participants list

1. Xrom ( / xromoi1978)

2. General ( [email protected] / greatgeneral_)

3. KoL-yaN ( inara_191291)

4. DIMA2332 (

5. r_asian ( [email protected] / 235911421 / r_asian)

6. igorbat99 ( Discord:Bolyarich#4832 /

7. Rears (

8. WIN_WARRIOR ( [email protected])

9. Kral ( alex_k_g)

10. Lord_Nyree ( lucas.voltolini3 /

11. Solymos-HUN ( n / n / y /

12. GG (

13. Darkkey ( dark_key3)

14. ElderofZIon1 ( Discord: EoZ#3112)

15. Danniel_BR ( Discord Danniel_BR#5359)

16. Maboul ( pm at forum)

17. mechANIC ( discord mechANIC#8555 / mechpanica)

18. Scaramush (

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